Billing Rates Reports Overview

Cost Item Summary

The Cost Item Summary tab in a Cost Item Record, allows the estimator to add additional costs to the Resource Billing rates by a percentage or amount. For example, there may have been extra work that a percentage would apply that the owner approves. The Billing reports then lists these for the owner.

The following screen shot shows cost item 3.1 with the adjustment. To see the adjustment, select the Actions tab and under the View section, use the Display Billing Rate toggle to display the Billing Rate columns.

Review the two columns Total Billing Amount and Unadjusted Total Billing Amount.

The following screen shot is the estimate details with Billing Rates report for the 3.1 cost item.

Dependent Cost Items

You can use dependent cost items with billing work. For example, the Contractor may have an agreement with the Owner to add additional overhead costs as a percentage of the work or the Owner allows a contingency for unknown work.

The following screen shot is an example of using a dependent cost item with billing work.

The following screen shot is a sample report that includes the dependent cost item with billing work.

Additional Markup in the PBS form

Depending how the Resource Billing Rates are determined, to accommodate the Owner, a fee can be applied using the PBS form.

The screen shot is a sample markup for Direct Costs in the PBS form.

The following screen shot is of a sample report that includes that fee total of the additional markup.